Content Writing

Content Writing

10 Reasons to invest in SEO copywriting services

For online businesses, developing a strategy that increases your chances of ranking higher on search engines ultimately helps the growth of your business.

SEO copywriting is an important part of a strong digital strategy. Therefore, when powerfully written online content is combined with other tactics, it can lead to an increase in your conversions, help you gain more customers, and boost your Google rankings.

What is SEO and SEO Copywriting?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is regarded as the foundation for highly noticeable and applicable web content.

SEO copywriting is a combination of two elements: SEO and copywriting. Even if your company has a great team of in-house writers, SEO is a specialised industry that needs time and effort to master.

Most people don’t fully understand SEO and most of the people who do don’t have in-depth knowledge. A group of experts will bridge that gap and apply their skills to improve your brand’s online presence.

SEO content is a copy that is written to attract new visitors to your site. With more traffic on your site comes more sales and more online authority.

Copywriters employ various strategies to produce effective SEO content. This includes optimising meta content and images, naturally placing phrases and keywords throughout the copy, and formatting the headline in a way that readers and search engines can easily understand it.

Why SEO Copywriting Services Are Important to Your Brand

While a lot of businesses don’t appreciate why they need excellent SEO copywriting services, the best brands understand that they need first-class SEO copywriting to help them rise to the top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). With expert SEO, your brand stands to gain the following:

  • Save Money. Using paid placements or paid advertisements can be expensive, but with great SEO copywriting services, you can save on costs. So, rather than market your brand anywhere and everywhere, SEO copywriting is targeted at only those customers you want. It clears the path for your content to rank organically.
  • A Competitive Edge. You don’t want to get left behind by your competition. So, if they’re working on their SEO, you should be, too.
  • Boost in Search Rankings. With great SEO, your content becomes more visible as it rises to the top spots in the SERPs. This is important as the top spot is where you can get a significant number of clicks and attention.
  • Innovative Content. With search engines getting bigger, it’s in your best interests to feature highly on them. That way, customers can easily locate your business, find your content and have productive engagements with your brand. Ultimately, your company will make more sales.

Even if you have exceptional content and a trustworthy brand, it is not enough to rank. In addition to that, you need the services of a great SEO copywriting agency to give your content the energy it needs to be at the top of SERPs.

Here are the 10 most important reasons to hire expert SEO copywriters:

1. Improved Keyword Research
Keyword research contributes greatly to good SEO, so it must be done right. Targeting mediocre, short keywords and phrases will only leave you disappointed with the results. But with an SEO copywriting service, you can be sure of solid keyword research that will boost your rankings.

2. Better Page Focus
If you don’t have a good grasp of SEO, you’ll find it’s difficult to focus a page. However, SEO copywriters know how to narrow, target, and place your content so it can rank most powerfully for your target keyword.

3. Great Research
Good research is essential because links and backlinks are powerful ranking factors for SEO. With links to pertinent and reliable third-party sources all through your content, it can rank higher in searches.

4. SEO-Friendly Descriptions and Meta Tags
Meta tags and descriptions are some of the challenging but indispensable SEO tools used by skilled copywriters. Meta content is used by search engines to understand and rank your site. This is one of those things that you leave for the experts.

5. Perfect Page Length
The length of your online content is important for SEO. And the good thing is that SEO copywriters know how to use the length of an article to best effect – so, articles are short when they need to be and longer when necessary.

6. Natural Keyword Insertion
Keywords should fit naturally into your copy, and this is what you’ll get from SEO copywriters. They’ll lace your copy with keywords in a way that you won’t even notice them while search engines will notice and rank them.

7. Enhanced Landing Pages
An SEO copywriting service can help you create great landing pages. SEO copywriters know all the tricks to develop a remarkable landing page along with an understanding of the best way to use formatting, language, and offers to encourage readers to click. When you collaborate with a skilled SEO copywriter, your conversion rate will improve and your pages will rank high.

8. Expert Competitor Analysis
If you operate in a crowded industry or are just looking for clever ways to exploit the data around you, SEO copywriters can assist you in analysing and learning from the pages of your competitors so they can develop insightful strategies to make you rank higher than them.

9. Simpler Writing
Keeping it simple is one of the hallmarks of a great SEO copywriter. Although plenty of companies can sometimes make their articles too complicated, a skilled SEO copywriter ensures that the article is written in a way that makes it readable and understandable by all audiences. This has the effect of boosting your rankings.

10. Persuasive Calls to Action
SEO copywriters know how to compose an impressive Call to Action (CTA). Creating great CTAs can help boost your conversions, and when combined with some SEO tricks such as including phrases and keywords in your CTA anchor text, your site will rank higher and you’ll gain more qualified leads.

If you want your brand to have online relevance, then you cannot do without an SEO copywriting agency. You’ll get a team of expert copywriters who are skilled at crafting enthralling content that your clients and customers will find highly engaging and informative.

If you need help with SEO copywriting, please get in touch with WooContent today.


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Content Writing

Copywriting guidelines during the coronavirus outbreak

Since the coronavirus hit earlier this year, it’s hard to go anywhere without hearing about it. It’s all over your social newsfeeds, companies everywhere are releasing coronavirus support landing pages on their websites (yes, including us) and you’re always eagerly awaiting the next update about the loosening of lockdown restrictions.

Sure, we’re all talking about it, but how are you meant to go about writing about it? Whether you’re a copywriter, a content marketing professional, a blogger or an SEO, it’s important to adjust your copywriting techniques to the realities of the coronavirus pandemic.

From perfecting the ideal tone of voice to maintaining accuracy, here are some copywriting guidelines you can use during the coronavirus outbreak from the content marketing experts here at Passion Digital.

Have a look at how we helped our clients adapt to the coronavirus!

Copywriting Tips During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Adapt Your Strategy

During these times, it’s important to make sure that the content you’re producing is relevant, useful and sensitive. For example, if you’re a business trying to sell a product or service, now may not be the best time to produce scarcity-driven content that says things like Order now before it’s too late! or Limited spots are left, so book now! It’s likely that this approach won’t resonate with your customers, who will probably be worried enough already about their careers, health and family.

It’s also important that businesses modify their content strategies to fit the current climate – especially those in the travel industry. We helped one of our travel clients, Teletext Holidays, in this regard. While it wasn’t safe to encourage people to travel during the heights of the pandemic, we found lots of other ways to create relevant content that was responsible, useful and most of all: entertaining.

The ‘Viral Virus’ blog post became Teletext Holidays’ best performing article.

We helped Teletext turn their blog into a stay-at-home holiday hub. They produced blog posts to inspire the reader to have a holiday from the comfort of their own home, from cooking international cuisine and learning a language to creating a beach getaway in the back garden. Once countries began to reopen for domestic and international tourism, we created blog posts for them that feature the most recent information on each country’s current status, which are updated as and when things change.

This is just one of the many ways you can create useful, unique content that is relevant to your business and interesting to your customers, while maintaining a responsible, realistic and sensitive approach.

Accuracy Makes for Great Copywriting

Since the coronavirus hit, many things have been postponed or cancelled completely. Whether you’re a business or a freelance copywriter, it’s a good idea to go through your scheduled press releases, blogs, landing pages, social media posts, automated emails – the list goes on – to ensure that you are not suggesting that people attend an event that is no longer happening, visit a facility that is now closed or participate in an activity that is not safe. You should also stay on top of the latest coronavirus updates, which will help you with all future content you produce.

Pay Attention to Your Tone of Voice

Anyone who writes copy knows that tone of voice is important and that there is a power in the words you choose. This means that, especially during the coronavirus outbreak, you should pick the words you use very carefully and make sure that your tone of voice doesn’t come off as insensitive. While puns and a casual tone of voice may be a part of how you or your brand normally write, it’s a good idea to dial it back a bit for the time being so you don’t come off as too flippant, which could put off the people who read your content.

That being said, positivity and puns are not the same thing – maintaining a positive tone and looking on the bright side makes for uplifting content, which many people are very much in need of right now.

Caption image here

As for the words you choose, it’s for the best to avoid terms like ‘contagious’ and ‘infectious’, as many people now negatively associate the meanings of these words. It’s never a bad idea to avoid newly common cliches as well, such as ‘unprecedented times’. You’re a writer, after all – you know the benefits of spinning overused terms and phrases into something fresh and unique. And, of course, is a friend to all.

Maintain High Standards

Now more than ever, it’s important that you maintain high standards with your writing. As a copywriter, you have one of the most important jobs right now. You have the power to uplift, inform and support the public with your writing (the pen, after all, is mightier than the sword). So double check your facts to ensure they’re correct and up to date, stay informed, be sensitive and empathetic to others, have someone proofread your work and, above all, don’t stop writing – we need copywriters now more than ever.


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Content Writing

How to improve your copywriting skills

Great copywriting is essential for converting fresh leads to your business and keeping your loyal customers interested.

But it’s harder than it sounds. Sure, almost everyone can write – but writing to sell is another thing altogether. Rather than just stringing a few grammatically correct sentences together, copywriters must craft content with their audience in mind.

Sound tough? It is, but the tips outlined below will send you well on your way to developing your copywriting muscle. If you’re still stuck after reading, get in touch with us. We’re a copywriting agency, so if anyone knows what they’re doing, it’s us.

Understand what copywriting is

If you’re reading this article, you’ve already taken the first step toward dismantling the jargon and figuring out what copywriting is all about. Now, it’s time to give you some answers!

A question on the tip of many people’s lips is: what’s the difference between content writing and copywriting?

Generally, a content writer creates content like blog posts and articles. This forms part of a content marketing strategy to raise awareness for a brand, business, or product. Although the end goal is to sell, it’s a much less direct approach.

In case you’re interested, we have a content writing service, too.

Copywriters try to prompt buyers to take action and make a purchase straightaway. They might craft website pages, emails, or other kinds of promotional materials. To achieve success, it’s essential to study the arts of convincing and persuasion.

There’s a lot of overlap between the two fields. Blog posts often contain a call to action (CTA) that prompts the reader to buy something, for instance.

Don’t get too hung up about the labels – just focus on learning to write in a way that gets the results you want.

Master the basics of grammar

The natural follow-up question is: how can I learn to improve my copywriting? Before you perfect your persuasion skills, you need to get your basic grammar skills up to scratch. Grammarly is the most popular piece of grammar-checking software available, and it has a free version. ProWritingAid and HemingwayApp are two alternatives.

Whichever you use, you’ll find there’s a focus on cutting out unnecessary words and making your writing as simple as possible. After using them for a few weeks, you might be surprised how many redundant words and phrases you’ve been using in your writing.

If you still don’t feel confident in your writing or grammar skills, why not ask for a second opinion? Asking a friend or relative to proofread your work might sound daunting, but it will help you take huge strides in improving your writing.

Study copywriting tools and resources

Once you’ve mastered the basics of writing well, you should start thinking about your SEO strategy. It’s no use writing a fantastic piece of copy if it ranks so low on the search engine that nobody sees it.

One tool we can’t recommend enough is WordCounter. Don’t be fooled by the name – it does far more than just count how many words you’re using.

This website also recommends keywords based on your content and lets you know if you need to include more of them. This is essential for letting Google know what you’re writing about.

Although it’s generally not a good idea to work backwards with your SEO strategy, this is a less intimidating way to start than carrying out keyword research before writing.

Like all serious writers will tell you, you can’t improve your writing unless you read. Even if you think you don’t have the time, it’s time to make it a priority. Amongst the most acclaimed books on copywriting are The Boron Letters by Gary C Halbert, Ogilvy On Advertising by David Ogilvy, and Triggers by Joe Sugarman. They all contain useful copywriting examples, too.

Of course, there are many more. As you’ll soon see, inspiration could strike you in strange places.

Take notes from inspiring writers

Reading books about copywriting and related topics is useful, but it’s not the only way to improve your copy.

Becoming a truly great writer is all about developing flair and your own voice. That involves experimenting with your writing and consuming many types of content.

Comedy, memoirs, and young adult fiction are all on the table. Maybe reading Charles Dickens helps you add some flow into your writing and trying some humour teaches you to be less formal and rigid.

Whatever you’re reading, take notes and think about how you can learn from it.

Don’t hold back with your editing process

Many people struggle with editing, but let’s get real – you can’t be a good writer without it. This is true of all kinds of writing, but you have to be especially ruthless with your copy. If your first sentence doesn’t hook the reader in immediately, you can kiss goodbye to your sales.

If you’re struggling, a common tip is to read your content out loud. It might seem tedious, and you might feel slightly crazy doing it at first, but it’s one of the best ways to figure out if something sounds good.

Copywriting is a difficult skill. You can’t just pick it up overnight after reading a book or watching a few videos. If you truly want to improve, you have to make a long-term commitment to mastering your craft.

If you already have a business or an idea and you need to start making sales now, you might not feel you can afford to wait that long. That’s okay, too.A great alternative is to use a copywriting service that’s already put in the time and can do the work for you. You can also use working with an agency as the perfect opportunity to learn more about copywriting.


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